Named Fellowships Research

The Keck Center is offering several fellowships in various research areas. Fellows will conduct research falling under one of the categories in the application.

During the academic year, research papers are written in the areas of political economy, strategic studies, diplomacy, international political economy, security studies, international studies, diplomacy and international conflict, international entrepreneurship and globalization, study of race in international relations, study of Russian politics, and comparative politics. Students apply for these fellowships with a topic in the areas/fellowships listed and upon selection are awarded funding (up to $2000), faculty supervision, and the publication of their research on the Center’s website.

During the summer cycle of named fellowships research, students will conduct original research for 8 weeks (May 20 - July 12) in summer under the supervision of the Associate Director of the Keck Center, Dr. Mezini or CMC faculty. Students may apply to more than one opportunity (2 max). At the end of the program, students must submit a twenty-five page paper to the Keck Center, no later than the stated deadline in the award letter. Students must meet regular deadlines and be able to participate in weekly Zoom meetings during the course of the program to remain in good standing. Final papers will be posted on the Keck Center website. The application period for Summer 2024 is now opened.

Contact the Keck Center with any questions at